Monday, 28 June 2010

Is there anyone out there?

I've been doing this blogging malarky for a few months now and i've entered a few blog giveaways and i'd really like to do one myself.

My problem is this......I am very grateful for the comments I recieve , very grateful. It makes my day when i see that someone has taken the time to write, but i'm not sure it would be much of a giveaway if only a couple of you entered.

So please can you let me know if you would be interested. I'm thinking of giving one of my gadget cases that I sell in my 'not on the high street' shop,the link is on the side bar.

I was a blog lurker for quite a while until I decided to leave a comment, so go on, don't be shy, please let me know you're there!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Trumpet blowing!

My nephew loves Charlie and Lola and while watching it with him the other day I thought how easy it might be to incorporate a bit of applique and freestyle embroidery and reproduce an image.

Now I realise with all the copyright issues, I can't reproduce anything to sell, but for a 2 year old to put on his bed I didn't think that would be a problem.

So, I set to work. What fun I had!

Cutting, snipping, oohhing, ahhing I was in applique heaven. After about 3 hours, this is what I had produced.

I delivered it to him yesterday evening to more oohhs and aahhs.

I know it sounds like I'm blowing my own trumpet, but I was rather pleased with it!

Saturday, 12 June 2010

School trip

Tuesday this week was Year 5's school trip to the the lovely River Cuckmere on the South Downs.
When I left home at about 8.30 the weather didn't look too bad but I'd packet a waterproof jacket, just in case!
Well........what lovely weather we had...not! We encountered every kind of British weather going, wind, rain, sun, you name it, we had it. I had decided to wear a pair of lightweight trousers so that if we did have the odd shower they would dry quickly. Little did I know that after an hour they would look like I'd just taken them out of the washing machine and put them on!
The views certainly made up for it though as you can see.

The famous view below is of the lighthouse houses that are extremely close to the cliff edge these days!

The sun did make an appearance in the afternoon and typically British like we all complained that we were too hot!!

A fun day was had by all even though I was absolutely exhausted by the end of it!
I'm off to the Boot Fair tomorrow looking for more plates so I'll let you know next week what goodies if any I find. Have a lovely weekend.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Days away

My husband and I have just returned from a couple of days away in Hampshire. We stayed in a hotel in Lymington in the New Forest. The weather wasn't too kind to us so no decent photos i'm afraid. We had planned to take a trip to the Isle Of Wight but as neither of us had remembered to pack a wet weather coat we decided against it.
However, on the way home things began to look up! Those of you who know Chichester will probably have heard of the most amazing shop, The Eternal Maker. My oh my, what a dream it was. My husband was happy to stay in the car and wait for me. I'm not sure he had any idea just how long it would be till I resurfaced. As I walked through the door I thought I had died and gone to fabric and button heaven. I really wanted to walk back out, jump up and down, scream and punch the air and then walk sedately back in. Instead, I kept going to the window to catch my husbands eye and kept giving him the thumbs up and grinning from ear to ear. Amazing what a room full of fabric can do to a woman!
This is what I bought. Not alot I know but I plan to go back once I have thought a little more of what I actually need. It will only take me an hour and 20 mins to get there too. Next time I'm taking someone with me who feels the way I do about fabric. I really wanted to take a photo of the inside of the shop but with all the excitement I forgot. They do have a website though and they do mail order.

The fabric will soon become bags, well parts of bags and I have plans for the lovely ribbon. They will all be in my 'Noths' shop next week with a bit of luck along with some other new items.
Tomorrow is going to be a sewing day if it all goes to plan and I will post some photos soon.
Enjoy the rest of the half term if, like me, you are lucky enough to be on holiday this week.