Saturday, 15 September 2012

Somewhere over the rainbow

We popped in to M&S this afternoon while we were out taking one of my sewing machines to the sewing machine Doctor.

I had to take a photo of the towels display.

Aren't those colours just gorgeous?

I did add a cerise pink one to my basket. 

Well it would have been rude not to!


  1. It looks like Sarah's shelves of felt over at paper-and-string!! The pinks are lovely.
    Your "Fluff" blog brought back memories - I used to live in the U.S and we used to have "Blizzards" from Dairy Queen - my fave; ice cream, fluff, maple syrup, pecans all whizzed up - heaven!!

  2. How gorgeous! I particularly love the colours in photo number 2...right up my street! Hope all's well with you Gina! xxx

  3. That is one gorgeous display of towels - good merchandising! I have a thing about hand towels and am always picking them up here and there.
