Sunday, 17 March 2013



So sorry for the long silence but so much has happened over the past few months, its hard to know where to begin.

Christmas was a very busy one again for rosiebull designs, which was just fantastic.

There were many of these mail sacks taken to the Post Office every day.

 Since leaving my day job and running my little business I've felt a bit like 'Billy-no-mates' at times. I miss the friends I had at school and often wish I had someone to share things with during the day. 
As I say, trips to the Post Office are a daily occurrence when it's busy and I've made very good friends with the lovely lady who works there. As luck would have it the Post Office is directly opposite a pub so every Thursday when we can we meet there for lunch!

January saw my husband and I celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary.

We had planned to have a holiday to remember, somewhere very hot, the Maldives was mentioned on numerous occasions but that didn't happen.

No.....instead we bought a new house! It wasn't something we were planning to do, it just kind of happened. There are a lot of new developments in the area that we live in and my daughter and I have got very good at having a good old nosey at them. One thing led to another and all being well we hope to move in next Friday.

So that leads me nicely to the photo below.

Those of you that have been reading my blog for a while will know about my 'stressy shed' lovely work space, all kitted out exactly as I wanted it and not even a year old yet.

The house we're moving to has four bedrooms so my work room will be one of those. 

I'm SO excited about moving, I really can't wait and I guess I should feel sad about leaving the 'stressy shed' but I'm not really. 

Time to move on.

Two weeks ago we went to Ikea to buy desks, bookcases, chests etc for my new workroom. 

And today I packed up the 'stressy shed'

I'll be back soon to show you my new work space!


  1. Wow, loads happening with you, and all positive and quite exciting sounding (except maybe, missing out on a possible holiday - but happy belated anniversary anyway!). Hope the move goes well. Beth/thelinencatx

  2. Hello Gina, nice to see you back here. Gosh you have been busy. A new house, so exciting! I enjoyed the peek inside your "stressy shed", I had not seen it before. I always love to see where people work.

    Good luck for the move.

    Gillian x

  3. Hi Gina, congratulations on the new house although how you can bear to leave your lovely shed is beyond me? I was so jealous when you got it and still am even though I have a lovely craft room of my own, I would love somewhere "outside" and away from all the distractions in my house. Anyway hope the move goes well and can't wait to see pics of the new room.
    Take care
    Pene x

  4. I wish you lots and lots of joy and peace in your new home Gina XXXXXX
