Thursday, 2 June 2011


To make yesterdays trip to the sewing Doctor worthwhile I went into the shopping centre in Tunbridge Wells for a bit of retail therapy.

One of my favourite shops is Paperchase. I could easily spend an hour in there browsing and picking up bits that I don't actually need but definitely want.
This plate had 'buy me' written all over it. I love the latest bird cage designs in the shops at the moment.

This fell in to my arms too. It's a folder type thingy, for me to put receipts in. I have our accountant friend coming tomorrow morning to talk bookwork with me, me and paper work do definitely NOT go together. I put it down to me being creative, well that's my excuse anyway. I'd rather be sewing than sorting out bits of paper.......well who wouldn't?
Poor man, he doesn't know what he's let himself in for!
This sketch book is rather nice too. The middle section has brown paper. Ooohhh, luvverly!
Just right for me to use to draw some new designs.
And, last but not least.......sewing machine medicine!


  1. Glad it isn't just me who has an issue with stationery and birdy things, what a fab combo!

  2. There is something special about Paperchase, I wander round there with my kids wishing I was back at school. It was Athena I used to spend my pocket money in for lovely files and such ~ way back when :0)
    Kandi x
