Friday, 2 March 2012


This is going to be a very quick post as I've got rather a lot of orders to make over the next few days and time is short.
But the important bit of this post is to find two winners!

All the names in the hat......(cup!)
The first name out is Ashley from 'Country Rose'
well done you have won a personalised glasses case. Please let me know what you would like written on it.
The second name is...'Faith' well done to you too, the Kindle case is yours!

Please can you both contact me via email with your addresses.

Thank you to everyone that entered. There will be another giveaway soon.

Right.....i'm off.....I have an appointment with a sewing machine and by the state of my nails, a manicurist too!


  1. Woohoooo! Thank you thank you thank you!:D

    I'm just off to reply to your email now..!:-)

    Ashley xxx

  2. Congratulations to the winners they will be thrilled when they receive their gorgeous prizes.
    Have a great weekend don't work too hard

  3. Woweeee! that's made my day...thank you so much, I shall email you now.x

  4. what lucky winners! I am loving your new blog design Gina :)
    Heather x

  5. Oh thank you Heather. I'd like to take credit for it but my daughter is an Apple employee and is also very creative so it's all down to her! I'm going to get her to work on a website for me soon (though she doesn't know it yet!) so that I can expand my range even further x
