Wednesday, 15 May 2019


It's been a while I know and I know I said it wouldn't be. Time flies when you're having fun as they say.

I've been on Instagram for quite a few years and loved it for a good few of those years.  I had noticed recently that more and more people were taking breaks from it for various reasons and at that time I was more than happy to carry on using it. 

I loved the inspiration I got, the friends I'd made (even though we never met) the funny things I read, the likemindedness of others, the things others had bought that I just 'needed' to have (I know my husband would disagree!) the tips, the virtual holidays I went on with others, the list goes on.

But then there was the not so nice side of it.

I'd noticed the not so nice things cropping up again and again and it made me feel uneasy. 
Why were we so obsessed with it? Why was it getting to be such a big part of my day? Why did I care what some one in the opposite part of the country was having for dinner? Are peoples lives really like that? 

 I read more and more in the press and online how bad it was making us feel to be comparing ourselves to others (something I do a lot within my job) always thinking someones makes were better than mine.  Comparing my business to others, the list goes on.

I also noticed that little groups were forming (just like those horrid school years) where I didn't feel part of and would probably never be asked to be part of and probably wouldn't want to be part of anyway! 

I'm a BIG worrier and those squares were starting to get me down.

Something happened a couple of weeks ago, something I was told. Someone, (actually two people) had criticised me as a person but not to my face. They had noticed a hashtag I had added to a photo and decided to cause trouble. I was very, very upset but pleased in a way to find out, so that my decision to leave those squares behind had been made up for me. 

I almost instantly decided enough was enough and I didn't want to share my photos with the world. I used it most of the time as a kind of diary for me to look back on to see what I'd been up to 'this time last year'

I said goodbye to my business page and set up a private page for my family where no one can upset me. I still pop on there occasionally to check up on my favourite people but that's about it.

So, this brings me back to here!

I know I don't have many followers on here (even less probably seeing as I've been absent for so long!) but that's fine, I'm happy with that.

I plan to share my sewing adventures on here instead and I'd love for you to come along too!

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