Friday, 6 July 2012

Name in print!

Holly Tucker and Sophie Cornish, founders of have launched their book 'Build a business from your kitchen table' today. You may have seen them on BBC's Breakfast programme this morning.

Those of you that have been reading my blog for the past couple of years will know that my business took off very, very quickly and mainly due to these two lovely ladies. I started selling on their website back in April 2010 and it was only in November that year after being invited to have a slot in the Winter/Christmas catalogue that my working life changed forever. So much so, that I handed my notice in at my day job ( a teaching assistant of 15 years) after 11 days of the catalogue being distributed, to work full-time for myself.

Over the past two years I have won an award with them, Start Up Success 2011, have had my designs in various magazines and newspapers, have been to business meetings at their head offices and have generally had the time of my life!

A couple of months ago I was asked for my permission for them to use one of my quotes in an upcoming publication. I had no idea at the time what it was being used for but over the past few weeks it came to light about the book.

So...........two and a bit years on and there I am Gina Axell, rosiebull designs in a book!

I know I've said it a million times before and I'll say it again......If someone had told me this would happen I'd never have believed it!

There is only one person I wish could see it, the real Rosie wonderful mum x


  1. I believe that the special people that a no longer here in person with us are there every step of the way. In our feelings, our quiet moments. I am sure there is one VERY proud Mum somewhere out there watching the progress of her very talented daughter xx

  2. How wonderful, congrats on all of your success! I am in the process of starting up my own design company and I'm inspired by you! :)

    Best wishes,

  3. Lovely story, congratulations on your success!
