Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Waffle, waffle waffle....

I bet you can't guess what this little beauty makes?

Bought from Lakeland on Saturday I thought it may not do what it says on the box but it didn't dissapoint!

It uses quite a lot of different ingredients and wholemeal flour which I don't think i'd use again. I'm not keen on wholemeal flour unless it's in bread where it belongs.

 Just look at these little babies!

  Now...that jar of French goodness is just what was needed along with a dollop of Nutella.
My husband was snoozing in the lounge while my daughter and I were concocting these and we didn't think it was right to wake him from his sleep, so we ate the lot!

As they lose!

I should point out that we have a wedding to go to on Saturday and I've still not found anything to wear. I seemed to have changed shape over the last week, can't think why!


  1. All I can say is YUMMY!! And I never knew about that Bonne Maman Caramel. Me thinks I may also change shape once I get my hands on a jar!! I'm off to browse Lakelands website now ;-) Emma x

  2. They look amazing! I might just have to get myself one of these as I really love Waffles since I had them on the morning of our wedding. They are a happy food!

  3. These look seriously amazing. I positively NEED one in my already full to bursting kitchen. Also, that Bon Maman caramel stuff looks so good. I love caramel and would choose it over chocolate any day. I am thinking that these snacks would make perfect after school treats, served with hot chocolate on an autumn afternoon. Yum!

  4. Ohhh wow I'm salivating here! I dare not buy one of those or you will see me on a documentary in a year's time being craned out of my house! x

  5. oh boy these look so good - again have never seen the bonne maman caramel, thats going on the shopping list. can see the waffle maker being a hit with all the men in the house, big and small!!!
