Sunday, 18 April 2010


I've been making some crochet brooches over the past few evenings. I got the pattern from Lucy over at attic24 .They are easy to make, mainly because her tutorials are so easy to follow.
I learnt to crochet by my grandmother when i was about 7. She must have had lots of patience as i'm not sure i'd want to teach a 7 year old, left handed child to crochet!
I've also been making lots of fabric brooches too, which i've sold lots of. I wear one on most of my coats and jackets and am often asked where i got them. There is nothing nicer than someone admiring your handy work.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rosie... just found your lovely little blog... very inspiring! I love these brooches.. they would brighten any outfit! Lucy is great at her tutorials isn't she?
    Yvonne xx
